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Trojan Nation Future Special Educators Program

The Chambersburg Area School District’s Special Education Department will work in collaboration with Chambersburg Senior High School and the Career Magnet School to create and facilitate the Trojan Nation Future Special Educators program. The vision of Trojan Nation Future Educators is to provide an opportunity to our students that allows them to experience the field of special education first hand. The goal is that through targeted learning and hands on experiences, our students will see the joy and intrinsic rewards that come with being a special education educator. Working hand in hand with our special education teachers and administrators, students will be offered guidance in the path to pursue a degree and certification in special education if they so choose.

During the fall of the 2024-2025 school year, interested CASHS and CMS student will be able to apply to participate within the program with the program launching during the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year. Interested students can obtain a program application from their grade level counselor. Deadline to apply will be November 22nd.

The Chambersburg Area School District was recently awarded the Developing Future Special Educators Grant funded by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Special Education.The goal of the Developing Future Special Educators Grant is to fund programs that will attract skilled, compassionate, and diverse individuals to the varied career options within the field of special education, prepare special education personnel by building capacity through targeted professional development, technical assistance, and supports, and retain special education personnel long-term through the collective efforts of federal, state, and local entities.