The Chambersburg Area School District is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to every student. The Language Instruction Education Program formerly known as English as a Second Language (ESL) is designed to accelerate English acquisition for students whose first language is not English and to further assist them in becoming successful learners in the regular classroom. The CASD ESL Program teaches English Learners social and academic language skills as well as the cultural aspects of the English language as necessary to succeed in an academic environment and contribute to society. English as a Second Language (ESL) involves instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing at appropriate developmental and proficiency levels with little or no use of the native language.
ESL Program Goals & Objectives
The Language Instruction Education Program at Chambersburg Area School District (CASD) was established to provide students with the English language skills needed for both school performance and everyday living. The goal of the program is to help English Learners develop language skills necessary to be successful students and members of society. To that end the program strives to reach the following objectives:
1. To assist English Learners in reaching proficient levels of achievement in the academic Language Arts areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening;
2. To assist English Learners in acquiring the English language skills needed to be proficient in all content areas;
3. To facilitate English Learners acculturation process into a complex multi-cultural society through the teaching of the customs, traditions, and expectations of the new environment;
4. To nurture self-pride and self-identity in each English Learner’s linguistic and cultural heritage;
5. To develop language acquisition and cognitive academic language skills with instruction provided by an LIEP teacher working collaboratively with classroom teachers;
6. To provide all students with equal opportunity and access to participate and be successful in both curricular activities and extracurricular activities;
7. To communicate with parents of English Learners as partners in the educational process.