• Alternative Education

    The Chambersburg Area School District realizes that "one size does not fit all" and offers a varity of alternative education programs to students based on individual needs. Programs are based on academic, social, psychological, and/or behavioral needs. Placements vary from short, temporary periods of time to permanent off-campus placements.

    In-District Programs

    • Chambersburg Area Behavioral Supports (CABS) Classrooms
    • Chambersburg Area Social-Emotional (CASE) Classrooms
    • Alternative High School (AHS) through Online Programming

    Out-of-District Programs (resulting from an Administrative Review)

    • River Rock Academy (Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth)
    • Diakon Center Point Program (CAIU)

    Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) Complaint Process

    The District has established a process designed to address complaints and concerns regarding any aspect of Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) programs, including placement and exiting decisions, the quality of academic instruction, the provision or omission of language assistance services, and services to students with disabilities to include reasonable modifications. 

    Individuals having complaints and concerns regarding AEDY Programs are required to seek resolution via the relevant AEDY Program Provider and the District rather than elevating concerns to PDE in the first instance.  The following link provides a detailed explanation of the CASD AEDY Complaint Process.

    You can find the CASD AEDY Complaint Form in English here.

    You can find the CASD AEDY Complaint Form in Spanish here.

    If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Petershem, Supervisor of Transitional Services, at rebecca.petersheim@casdonline.org.