- Chambersburg Area Senior High School
- Transition Links
Jewart, Cynthia -Business and Cooperative Learning Teacher
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Helpful Transition Links
Education Planner
Check out the career "matchmaker" assessment and financial aid options
For students with disabilities and their families, negotiating the path to adulthood can be confusing. OVR, or Occupational Vocational Rehabilitation, is a very important agency to be connected to while in high school. OVR will follow a student into adulthood and they will provide help in various forms to prepare for, obtain or maintain employment. After an application is received, an OVR representative will send a letter in the student’s name. The student/parent then needs to set up a meeting with OVR.
Franklin County SAMS
SAMS is case manager group that helps connect students with disabilities to services. This is a starting place for many families. Contact SAMS today to see what services may be available to you and/or your child.
Transition Guide for parents and students
For more information on transition related topics and resources, please visit the PA Secondary Transition website at www.secondarytransition.org.
Benefits Counseling
Benefits Counseling for Social Security are available through Yourgoodwill.org. Jenni Kistler can be reached at: jkistler@yourgoodwill.org cell:717-682-0656.
Getting an Identification Card
All students should have a state-issued ID before they graduate if they do not have a driver’s license. Information on how to obtain this ID is located at: www.dmv.pa.gov. Your student may register to vote when they get their state ID photo taken. Voter registration forms are also available through the Transition Coordinator or OVR counselor.
Register for the Select Services
If your student is 18 years of age and male, they MUST register for Selective Service. This is done at : sss.gov/Home/Registration. This can be done at school with your student’s teacher, or at home.
Turning 18? Register to VOTE!
To register to vote in Pennsylvania, you must be:
- A citizen of the United States for at least one month before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
- A resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which you want to register and vote for at least 30 days before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
- At least 18 years of age on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.