- Chambersburg Area Middle School South
- Fighting the Homework Battle---Tips for Parents
CAMS South Counseling Department
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Fighting the Homework BattleTips for Parents
How many times have you heard from your student, "But mom, we don't have any homework", only to find out when the progress report comes home that indeed, middle school students are assigned homework on a near daily basis? What can you as a parent do to reinforce the importance of completing homework assignments?
Here are some suggestions:
*Expect your child to record assignments in his/her agenda book and bring it home daily. If homework assignments are completed at school, they should still be brought home for you to review each evening.
*Designate a scheduled hour each evening for your child to complete assignments---no homework? READ TOGETHER!!!
*Set up a home study center complete with good lighting, appropriate work space, reference materials, & project supplies.
*Reduce distractions (TV, younger siblings, video games, etc...) around the home study center. Monitor your child's use of the internet to ensure academic focus.
*Help your child organize and pack-up his/her school work so it's ready to go out the door the following morning.
*Make time to help your child when he/she asks---studying together for tests and quizzes can be especially helpful.
*Reinforce your child's behavior when he/she completes homework without having to be reminded!
Finally, remember that your child's teachers and counselors are only a phone call or an email away! If you consistently find that your child is having homework problems, please contact the school.