• Counseling Services
  • The nine national standards for school counseling programs as defined by the American School Counselor Association provide the framework for the CAMS school counseling department's activities.  The three helping processes used by the school counselors to address these standards are counseling, consultation, and coordination.


    Students are seen both individually and in groups.  Counselors facilitate both small, special interest groups & classroom learning activities.  Lessons may include topics such as:  homework/study skills, goal setting, anger management, team building/cooperation, and decision making.  Students whose individual needs exceed the scope of the school counselor may be referred to our Student Assistance Team for further intervention and referral.


    Counselors meet with administrators and team teachers at least once per week to discuss student needs/concerns as well as to address school wide issues.  In addition, counselors attend parent conferences with teachers in continuing efforts to improve communication between the home and school.  Through participation in both building level and district committees counselors have input on such issues as safe-schools, crisis planning and prevention, conflict management, and alternative education placements.


    CAMS counselors are responsible for the orientation and scheduling of all students new to the middle school.  We also coordinate the transition of students within the building and assist students in making appropriate choices regarding eighth grade course selection.  Counselors work with a number of community agencies to provide developmentally appropriate services to students including Women in Need and Manito Inc.  We coordinate school-wide achievement testing and assist in the identification and referral of students for psycho-educational evaluations.