- Chambersburg Area School District
- School Visitors
School Visitors
School Security and Visitor Management System
In an effort to continue to provide the safest possible learning environments for our students, we are introducing a
new school visitor management system specifically designed to track sex offenders from the Meagan’s Law database. Upon entering a school building, visitors will be required to show a driver’s license or provide a date of birth. This information will then be scanned in order for an individual to gain access to the school. Every individual requesting access to the interior of the building must be checked. We will begin this process in several weeks and it will take several months for it to be in place at all school buildings.The safety of your children is our highest priority!
Sex Offenders:
There are currently over 800,000 registered sex offenders in the US. 67% of all victims of sexual assault reported to law enforcement agencies were juveniles (under 18), 34% of all victims were under the age of 12.
Restraining Orders:
More than 350,000 family abductions occur each year, that is nearly 1,000 per day. Mothers flee with children in 54% of cases; Fathers in 46%.
Convicted Felon:
There are currently 7 million Americans in our justice system today either on probation, parole, or incarcerated.