• Background Education:

    I am so excited to join the CASD community!  This is my first year teaching ELA in the district, but my nineteenth year teaching English Language Arts to seventh graders.  I studied English/ Secondary Education at Shippensburg University, and then returned to Ship U to study as a reading specialist.  

  • Teaching Philosophy: 

    I firmly believe that all students can learn! Each learner comes to school with different needs and backgrounds, and each learner deserves the best education possible. I will work hard to help your learner achieve their goals and reach their true potential. 

    "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go."  ~ Dr. Seuss

  • Personal Information: 

    I am originally from Latrobe, Pennsylvania, but have been living in Franklin County for almost twenty years.

    My husband, three daughters, and I enjoy traveling to new places and camping. I love reading, photography, and cheering for my girls at their sporting events. 
