

    IB DP Course Offerings at CASHS

    If students wish to pursue the IB Diploma, they must take one course from each of the 6 groups.  Or, they may choose to take an extra course from Groups 1-5 instead of a Group 6.  Three of the courses must be taken at the Higher Level; three at the Standard Level.  

    The following are the courses that CASHS will be offering in the Fall:

    Group 1: Language A Literature HL

    Group 2: Language B: Acquired Languages (Spanish SL, Latin HL, German SL); Spanish Ab Initio (For students with 1 or less years of foreign language instruction)

    Group 3: Individuals & Societies (History of the Americas HL, Psychology HL)

    Group 4: Sciences (Biology HL, Chemistry HL, Sports/Exercise & Health Science SL)

    Group 5: Math Applications and Interpretations SL

    Group 6: Music SL

    Additionally, students are required to complete a 2 year Theory of Knowledge course (TOK), complete 100 hours of Creativity-Activity-Service (CAS) and write a 4,000 research paper (EE) on a topic of their choice.