COVID-19 Testing

  • The Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania Department of Health has a partnership with Ginkgo Bioworks to assist school districts in providing COVID-19 testing at no cost. Chambersburg Area School District is participating in the program to allow COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing for our students and staff who develop symptoms while at school. The District is working to keep schools open and such testing will help rule out students who have symptoms but do not have COVID-19 and may thus stay in school.

    Beginning on January 24, 2022, the District Health Room Staff will offer Rapid Antigen testing to any student (with parent permission) or staff who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.  We will offer the testing for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.

    Parents/Guardians will need to provide consent prior to the Health Room Staff giving the test.  Please navigate to the following website and complete the consent process if you wish to allow your child to participate in testing. 

    If you have multiple children in the district, please complete the process for each child.

    When prompted, enter the appropriate school access code for each child:



    Falling Spring:






    Guilford Hills:


    Hamilton Heights:






    New Franklin:




    South Hamilton:




    Ben Chambers:




    Career Magnet:


    CAMS North:


    CAMS South:



    If your child is 18 years or older, you must provide written consent via the offline consent form and cannot consent to testing on the platform.  The Consent should be sent to your child’s school’s nurse’s office.  You may also contact your child’s school for a written consent form to be sent home for you to complete.  Regardless of age, all students must have parental consent.

    We do ask that if your child develops symptoms while at home, please do not send them to school to be tested.  Keep them home and arrange for testing through your medical provider or the CASHS Keystone Health Clinic (717-709-7956 or 717-709-7950).

    We need parent consent prior to testing because Gingko will not allow a Rapid Antigen Test to be registered in the web portal until online parental consent is received.  The Health Room Staff will notify you if your child is showing symptoms of COVID-19 and get verbal consent prior to administering a test. If you have not completed the online consent process, your child will not be tested for COVID-19 at school. You will need to go to a medical facility to get the COVID test.  The Rapid Antigen Test used in our schools is a shallow nasal swab just inside the nose.

    Please note we are not conducting general pool testing.  We are only making Rapid Antigen Tests available to our families and staff through this free, voluntary program.

    You will notice that the consent covers all methods of testing. We may expand the program in the future, however at the present time we are only administering tests to students and staff who are showing symptoms with no other medical explanation.  If the situation with COVID should change and we change our method of testing, you will be notified prior to beginning that change. 

     If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact Mr. Scott Schoenberger, Supervisor of Clinical Services at or 717-261-3453.