- Chambersburg Area School District
- Academics
- Attendance Requirements
Chambersburg Virtual Academy
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Attendance Policy
Attendance is a very important aspect of your child’s education. This is true in the brick and mortar setting and in an online environment. It is important to understand that with flexibility also comes the responsibility that students need to be logging in daily during any regular school day. The attendance policy for students within the CVA program will follow the same attendance policy as per the Chambersburg Area School District. Pennsylvania School Code requires all public schools to offer a minimum of 180 days of instruction each year.
PA school law considers the following conditions to constitute excused absences from school: illness, quarantine, recovery from accident, required court attendance, death in family, and family educational trips. The district reserves the right to require a doctor’s excuse for any questionable periods of absences. These instances may include medical and dental appointments, court appearances, family emergencies and participation in extracurricular activities.
A CVA student is considered truant if the student accumulates three (3) unlawful absences. After three (3) unlawful absences, the following guidelines are used with the intent of improving school.attendance.
- 3 Unlawful Absences: A SAIC (School Attendance Improvement Conference) may be scheduled with school officials.
- 6 Unlawful Absences: A citation for truancy may be filed with the local District Magistrate.
- 10 or more unexcused or unlawful absences may result in removal from the CVA program.
Absence excuse notes must be submitted to the CVA secretary or through the Attendance Form on the CVA website within three days from an absence. When no note is received, the absence shall be regarded as illegal. Up to five school days may be used for educational purposes. Submit the Educational Trip Form to the CVA secretary before an educational trip.
CVA students follow the Chambersburg Area School District calendar; therefore, CVA students have the same scheduled breaks as in-person students. If CASD has a holiday, snow day, etc., CVA students are off school as well.
Requirements - Elementary School Program: Grade K-1
Children are taught many skills in grades K/1 that cannot be replicated in a virtual setting; therefore, CVA is not recommended for students in Grades K/1. We will only accept K/1 students under extenuating circumstances. Programming for K/1 students will be developed on a case by case basis.
Requirements - Elementary School Program: Grade 2-5
Elementary students ARE REQUIRED to log into the live session(s) with their teacher on a DAILY basis.
- Attendance for elementary students is recorded by the teacher each day just as it would be for students attending school in-person.
- If students do not attend the daily live sessions, they will be marked absent unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher in advance.
- If students have scheduled assessments (MAP, PSSA, Keystone, CDT, WIDA) or other required exams and do not participate in those exams, they will be considered absent.
- CVA students may be required to take their tests in the school setting or during a virtual session as scheduled by the teacher or Supervisor of Virtual Education.
Requirements - Middle School Program: Grade 6-8
6TH GRADE students ARE REQUIRED to participate in live sessions with each of their teacher(s) daily.
7th/8th GRADE students ARE ENCOURAGED to participate in live sessions with each of their teacher(s) regularly, especially if they are struggling with their coursework. Live sessions are required if students are failing their course(s). Students can meet with their teachers during the regularly scheduled live sessions OR by scheduling a meeting with the teacher.
Monday/Wednesday - ELA/Social Studies
Tuesday/Thursday - Math and Science
Friday - Related Arts
To receive credit for attendance, 6th-8th Grade students MUST:
- Students must log into AND make progress on their coursework in Edgenuity five of seven days each week. Students will not get credit for attendance if they log in but complete zero activities. Progress will be verified each Monday for the previous week’s attendance.
- Each new week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday at 11:59 PM.
- Teachers may assign additional required graded assignments outside of Edgenuity through their Google Classrooms.
- Special education students may be required to attend live sessions with the learning support teacher depending on the accommodations listed in their IEPs.
- If students are failing their courses or not meeting the minimum attendance requirements, they may be required to return to their home buildings.
- If students have scheduled assessments (MAP, PSSA, Keystone, CDT, WIDA) or other required exams and do not participate in those exams, they will be considered absent and may lose the privilege of remaining with CVA.
- CVA students may be required to take their tests in the school setting or during a virtual session as scheduled by the teacher or Supervisor of Special Education.
Requirements - High School Students: Grades 9-12
Students ARE ENCOURAGED to participate in one live session with each of their teacher(s) regularly, especially if they are struggling with their coursework. Live sessions are required if students are failing their course(s). Students can meet with their teachers during the regularly scheduled live sessions OR by scheduling a meeting with the teacher.
Monday - Electives
Tuesday - Math
Wednesday - English
Thursday - Social Studies
Friday - Science
To receive credit for attendance, high school students must either:
Log into AND make progress on their coursework in Edgenuity five of seven days each week. Students will not get credit for attendance if they log in but complete zero activities.
Maintain target progress on their course(s) based on the Course Map in Edgenuity.
- Each new week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday at 11:59 PM. Progress will be verified each Monday for the previous week’s attendance.
- Teachers may assign additional required graded assignments outside of Edgenuity through their Google Classrooms.
- Special education students may be required to attend live sessions depending on their IEPs.
- If students are failing their courses or not meeting the minimum attendance requirements, they will be required to attend live sessions or return to their home buildings.
- If students have scheduled assessments (MAP, PSSA, Keystone, CDT, WIDA) or other required exams and do not participate in those exams, they will be considered absent.
- CVA students may be required to take their tests in the school setting or during a virtual session as scheduled by the teacher or Virtual Education Supervisor.
Academic Probation
If students fall substantially behind in their coursework and/or have been classified as habitually truant, they may be placed on academic probation at the discretion of the Supervisor of Virtual Education.
To remain in the CVA program, students must demonstrate the following:
- Students must be on target progress with all coursework.
- Students must meet minimum attendance requirements.
After the probationary period, If students have not shown satisfactory academic improvement, they will be dismissed from the CVA program and will be required to return to school in-person.