- Chambersburg Area School District
- Academics
- Assessments and Standardized Testing
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State Requirements - Assessments and Career Readiness
CVA students are REQUIRED to participate in all standardized testing sessions and activities required by CASD and the PA Department of Education. If students are absent on the day of a required assessment, they will automatically be marked absent for that day. The following assessments may be required:
Keystone Exams - Algebra I, Literature, Biology
Pennsylvania State System of Assessment (PSSA)
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT)
World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA)
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
Xello - Career Readiness Artifacts
Some of these assessments (Keystones, PSSA, WIDA) must be taken in-person, so CVA students will have to physically attend their home buildings during the scheduled testing windows.
All Pennsylvania school districts are required to administer PSSA/Keystone Exams to all students beginning in Grade 3. There are only certain approved reasons a parent may exempt their child from PSSA testing.
Student had a recent medical emergency, serious illness, or medical condition: This applies only to rare circumstances in which a student cannot take or finish taking the assessment during the entire testing window, including make-up dates, due to a recent significant medical emergency or active medical condition. A serious illness or medical condition is defined as one in which the student is receiving active treatment for a life-threatening illness or medical condition and/or the associated recuperation. A note from a physician dated at least two weeks within the start of the testing window must be on file at the school.
- Student’s parent/guardian requested in writing that the student be excluded from participation after reviewing the assessment and determining it to be in conflict with the parent’s/guardian’s religious beliefs. If after reviewing the test, parents/guardians find the test to be in conflict with their religious beliefs and wish their student(s) to be excused from the test, the parents/guardians must provide a written request to the Superintendent or Chief Executive Officer that states they do not want their child tested because the test conflicts with their religious beliefs. If you wish to review the assessment, you will need to make arrangements with your child’s home building.