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    School to work is a unique opportunity for students to gain experience in a career field of choice while also earning school credit.  Experiences typically take place during the school day and allow students to gain valuable skills, build their resume, and learn through a non traditional experience.  Explore the variety of school to work opportunities available to CASHS students below.  If you are a business partner that would like to join the growing list of school to work experiences please contact Stephanie Barnhart, Career Readiness Coordinator at stephanie.barnhart@casdonline.org. 

Manufacturing Picture
Banking Picture
Banking Picture
Nursing Home Picture
Career Blackboard
  • JLG Image JLG School To Work Opportunity

    Description: Students work part time at JLG and develop manufacturing and employability skills.  Students are able to work at the Shippensburg plant which focuses on assembly positions of products.

    Work day hours: 8:30 - 11:30 daily; additional hours can be arranged with JLG

    Student eligibility: All students ages 17 years and older

    Hiring timeframe and process: Notify your counselor during the scheduling process/end of school year prior to working to have your name placed on the student list. Application process takes place at the beginning of the school year. 

    Contact: School Counselors/Mr. Brad Ocker

  • PFCUPatriot Federal Credit Union Opportunity

    Description: Students work part time for Patriot Federal Credit Union as a Service Representative.  Students work in the student branch during all lunch waves at CASHS.  Students are responsible for making deposits, withdrawing cash, opening accounts, and check account balances for customers. 

    Work day hours: All lunch waves daily; additional opportunity to work at local branches after school and on weekends. 

    Student eligibility: All students ages 16 years and older

    Hiring timeframe and process: Resumes are due in March/April to Ms. Grove in A102 or to the student branch.  Interviews take place in April/May and summer training occurs in June. 

    Contact: Ms. Grove (missie.grove@casdonline.org) or student branch manager 

  • ABCABC Pre - Apprenticeship

    Description: Pre - Apprenticeship is a course at CASHS that prepares students with entry level knowledge and experience in carpentry, construction, electrical, HVAC, masonry, pipe fitting, and plumbing.  Students learn through coursework and hands on experiences.  Following completion of the Pre - Apprenticeship course students are eligible to enter ABC's Apprenticship program with a local business. 

    Work day hours: A period is scheduled in the student day for the course

    Student eligibility: All students 

    Hiring timeframe and process: Students may be hired after completion of the course or enter a full Apprenticeship program. 

    Contact: School Counselor/Mr. Levi Peck (levi.peck@casdonline.org)