Frequently Asked Questions
How To Follow Schools / Change Followed Schools
To follow a school:
- Upon opening the app, you will asked which schools to follow
- Click the select of school(s) you want to follow and click next
- You will now follow those specific schools and receive updates/announcements from them
To change which schools you follow:
- Click the "settings" icon on the second page (swipe left) of the app
- Click follow schools
- Click on the school you would like to follow and select whether you'd like to follow "all" or only notications, announcements, calendar items, or photos.
- When finished, simply select "back" and your changes will be saved.
How to Customize Your News and Calendar Feeds
To customize your news:
- Select the News icon
- By default, you will see all the district level news feeds
- Select the "Wheel" in the top right-hand corner
- Select which school(s) you wish to follow
- Choose which type of news you want to follow
- Select "Back" and then "Done"
Now your customized selection will display in your News Section
To customize your calendar:
- Select the Calendar icon
- Select the "Wheel" in the top right-hand corner
- Select which school(s) you wish to follow
- Select "Done"
- Your App is now customized
How To Download The App
- Click here to go to direct download links OR
- Go to the App Store or Google Play
- Search "Chambersburg Area School District"
- Select "Free" and then "Install"
- You will need to know your apple or Google account password
- After it has installed select "Open"
- You have now downloaded the app