• Parent & Family Involvement

  • SchoolCenter PictureThe staff and administration of Chambersburg Area School District believe that all students can learn; therefore, we accept the challenge to teach all students so they may attain their maximum educational potential. It is in this spirit that we would like to align ourselves as full partners with the parents of our students. It is the purpose of both CASD faculty and the parents of our school to provide our students with an excellent education that maintains the highest academic standards. We want to educate all students to live and work with all people, to think critically, to function in the world in which they live through the use of technology and appreciation of the arts, to possess positive character traits, and to value a democratic society in which they become responsible, productive citizens. Working together, all students will achieve their highest potential.

  • Ways To be Involved At your Child's School

    An easy-to-use tool that allows parents and students to review student grades, schedules, attendance, and assignments. When you launch the the Sapphire Community Web Portal page, simply enter your username, password, and PIN and then click the Login button.  If you have not yet registered, simply click on "Create a Web Portal account" at the bottom of the login page and register.  For more information and handouts, go to www.casdonline.org/portal

    Parent Advisory Council
    We are all partners in public education and have a vested interest in providing an education of superior value for our students. We would like to invite you to join the representatives of the Parent Advisory Council as we work to effect positive changes in our schools. It is our hope that together we can advise, evaluate, collaborate, and propose solutions that will benefit our schools, our students, and, as a result, our community.  Working closely with administrators, educators, and local leadership, your involvement can only strengthen our position of partnership and advocacy and will ensure that we have an educational system that is accountable and of the highest quality for every child.

    Please contact or visit the website of individual schools to find links to their parent groups. 

    Please visit the HR Department website here: www.casdonline.org/hr/volunteers for information on volunteering in the Chambersburg Area School District.

    Parent Communications
    Communication is key! There are communication tools available to you as a member of the CASD family.  We encourage you to take advantage of these tools as an additional way of supporting your child's education. 

  • SchoolCenter Picture Be Involved with District Opportunities

    Watch D.O.G.S.(Dads of Great Students)
    We have many opportunities for dads, grandfathers, uncles and other male role models to become involved.  Many schools have an active WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students) program and are always looking for new members to join! Please contact or visit the website of the individual schools if you wish to participate.