• The CVA grading policy follows that of the Chambersburg Area School District.  CVA students follow the same grading scale as set forth in the buildings:  











    CVA teachers will grade assignments and answer any questions that you may have about those assignments. If you have any questions or concerns about your assignments and grades received, you need to contact your CVA teacher as you would in a brick and mortar school. 

    Course Content/Assessment

    • All courses will include instructional materials from Edgenuity and/or eDynamic Learning AND teacher-created content and assignments aligned with CASD curriculum.      
    • Students must join their teachers’ Google Classrooms. 
    • Additional online platforms will be used on a regular basis for all courses and all grade levels.  
    • Teachers will determine the weighting of marking period grades. 

    (For example: The teacher for Algebra I may calculate final grades using the following weighting system:  End of Marking Period Grade = 80% Edgenuity coursework; 20% Google Classroom assignments)

    • Grades will be updated in Sapphire on a weekly basis.
  • Edgenuity Grading Metrics

    Relative Grade - The RELATIVE grade is the grade a student would receive if they stopped working and received 0% for all unscored, counted activities.  The RELATIVE grade is used to calculate a student's final grade in a course.  

  • Actual GradeThe ACTUAL grade takes progress into consideration.  The actual grade is impacted when students are behind in their coursework.  

  • Overall Grade - The OVERALL grade is based on completed work only - overdue assignments are not taken into consideration. 

  • Pacing

    COURSE MAP - The COURSE MAP s a general outline of a course.