• Athletics

    CVA students may try out for and participate in any after-school sports programs provided by Chambersburg Area School District.  Students must provide their own transportation. 

    In order to participate in the sports program, students must be in good academic standing by maintaining the eligibility criteria of the PIAA.

    Weekly Athletic Eligibility

    • Eligible - ACTUAL GRADE must be passing - 60%  or above (Passing the equivalent of 4 credits)
    • Ineligible - ACTUAL GRADE  is below 60%
    • Grades will be pulled from Edgenuity on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. 

    If students are not meeting eligibility criteria, the Athletic Director will notify coaches to inform student athletes.

    Teachers/Administrators will also be notified.  Any changes to eligibility will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

    Music Opportunities

    To participate in music opportunities, contact the directors in each building. Students must provide their own transportation.   

    Before and After School Activities

    • CVA students may participate in any CASD programs or events held before or after school. 
    • Students must provide their own transportation.
  • Click on Trojan Stadium for more information about CASD's athletic program.