- Chambersburg Area School District
- Learning Management Systems
The District has the following content-rich Learning Management Systems:
- Imagine Edgenuity - Grades 6 - 12
- Google Classroom - Students in K-12 may have work supplemented in Google Classroom. The link for Classroom is classroom.google.com or can be found under the "waffle" icon when your child is logged into Google on their Chromebook.
Imagine Learning Assistance
Students should always see their classroom teacher with any questions or problems they are experiencing. Additionally, there are multiple resources available to you in Imagine Edgenuity:
- EVA: Edgenuity's Virtual Assistant is located in the bottom-right of the screen. Start a conversation and EVA will connect you with information.
- Help Documents (click on your initials in top right corner).
Student Guide: Introduction to Imagine Edgenuity
Troubleshooting Tips for Accessing Imagine Edgenuity at Home
How to Locate Your Reports
Imagine Edgenuity Tech System Overview
- Parent Resource Page: https://help.imagineedgenuity.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046195654-Parent-Guardian-Resources
- Direct Contact: You can contact a Support team member directly by chat, phone call, or email.
Mon–Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. (EST)
Sat-Sun: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST)Google Classroom Assistance
For help with Google Classroom, the student should see their classroom teacher.
- Additional help and tutorial page for students can be found here.