- Chambersburg Area School District
- Community Flyer Submissions
Community Flyer Submissions
Beginning January 2019, the Chambersburg Area School District will become more environmentally friendly, embrace the convenience of technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility by moving to electronic flyer communication. District approved flyers will be posted digitally in the “For Parents” section of the website.
Paper flyers will no longer be distributed within the schools. Flyers can be found by choosing Elementary or Secondary.
Community flyers will not be shared on District social media or mass-messaging channels unless it is a District-sponsored/sanctioned program, event, or activity.
Community Flyer Guidelines
Community flyers are subject to guidelines found in Chambersburg Area School District policy 913.1. Those guidelines are listed below. The official policy can be found at https://go.boarddocs.com/pa/casdpa/Board.nsf/Public#.
The district shall adhere to specific guidelines for the distribution of information to students.
Only the following groups may request to have handouts/flyers approved for distribution:
- School-related organizations i.e. PTA, PTO organizations, Booster clubs.
- Nonprofit service organizations that provide a beneficial service to students. This does not include fundraisers for nonprofit organizations.
- Local municipalities for sports registrations, community events, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.
- Other organizations that, in the judgment of the Superintendent or designee, provide information beneficial to students/staff.
- Advertisements or coupons from local organizations are prohibited.
Requests for permission to distribute materials or products must be submitted to the Superintendent or designee in PDF Format. Flyers for programs/events/activities that are not school-sponsored must include the following disclaimer, “The Chambersburg Area School District does not sponsor or sanction this program/event/activity.”
Requests must be submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested distribution date.
If approval has been granted, each building principal, secretary and clerk will receive notice that the flyer exists on the district website. If approval is denied, the requestor will be timely notified of the denial and reasons therefore.
Community Flyer Submission Process
- E-mail the flyer in PDF form to Denise Fike at denise.fike@casdonline.org. Please indicate the grade level for which the flyer is intended (elementary, secondary, or both).
- The community flyer will be shared with the Superintendent of Schools or designee for approval.
- Once approval is given, the flyer will be posted on the Parent Flyers page.
- School-related organizations i.e. PTA, PTO organizations, Booster clubs.