- Chambersburg Area School District
- Committee Glows
Workplace Safety Committee
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- Certified by the Department of Labor and Industry.
- All committee members are trained annually in Hazard Recognition, Accident Investigation, and Committee Organization and meeting management.
- Emergency Exit Maps created and posted at all buildings.
- Curb and traffic patterns painting for transportation purposes at several buildings.
- Building inspections occur twice a year to ensure safety.
- All wooden ladders have been replaced with certified fiberglass ladders.
- Handicapped Parking Spaces Painted at Administration Building.
- Global Connect Instant Messaging System to alert parents in the morning if their child did not arrive to school.
- Lights in parking lots lit during evening hours.
- Additional crossing guards at Middle Schools for safety of students.
- Purchased ALERTUS emergency system for buildings for weather emergencies.
- Push to Talk phones were purchased for CASHS for safety of staff and students during dismissal.
- Camera installation at Administration Building.
- Additional parking spaces were added at the Administration Building.
- Removed ZIP LINES from elementary playground equipment.
- Cameras checklist on buses so that cameras are working at all times.
- Webpage for Worksplace Safety Committee information and meeting minutes.
- All Hazards Plan implementation and drills.
- AED installation in all district schools and personnel buildings.
- Passed Department of Labor and Industry Audit of past 3 school years.
- Implementation of ALiCE training.
- Go Kits in every classroom in every building.
- Provide safety barrier planters at entrances with glass doors.