• Automatic External Defibrillator

  • The Chambersburg Area School District has equipped both school buildings and staff buildings with at least one Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) per building. An AED is a device that may save a life in the event of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). SCA is the nation's leading killer, taking over 300,000 lives annually.

    In most buildings, the AED is located in the lobby. It is in an alarmed cabinet with an AED sign above it. We have also placed signs throughout our buildings noting the location of the nearest AED.

    An AED is an FDA approved medical device that, if necessary, will deliver a shock to the heart - and, all that has to happen is the AED has to be turned on and AED electrode pads be placed on the victim's chest in the appropriate places (as shown on the AED and pads).

    If, after analyzing a victim's heart rhythm, the AED detects cardiac arrest, the AED will audibly advise that shock be delivered. (All anyone has to do is press the shock button on the AED.) If you can use a cell phone, you can use an AED! A shock cannot be delivered if the AED does not detect cardiac arrest in the victim.

    AEDs are proven to increase the chances of saving the lives of cardiac arrest victims. Survival improves from under 5% to over 60% by the use of an AED within 2-4 minutes of collapse!

    We have shown our committment to safety and safeguarding against SCA threats by installing AEDs in our buildings.