- Chambersburg Area School District
- Brand Guidelines & Logo Usage
Brand Guidelines & Logo Usage
In early October, 2017, a team of secondary school principals and members of the District administration began a rebranding process with graphic design firm VIP Branding. The look of the Trojan logo underwent numerous revisions and edits resulting in new branding. The redesign initially began as a collaboration between the CASHS Student Store and the district Athletic Department. A redesign was sought as a way to help improve school spirit by having a unified logo, as well as providing a consistent look that would help improve apparel sales.
The District believes that consistency and quality are the keys to creating a strong brand asset for our schools and the surrounding community. All staff and students are required to abide by District guidelines when using the Trojan logo. As part of the redesign process, the District was provided with a brand guide that outlines acceptable uses such as which exact colors to use for the logo and what are acceptible modifications. That brand guide can be viewed or downloaded below. In addition to the brand guide, the District has the following guidelines:
- The new Trojan brand is the only officially licensed "Trojan" for the school district. Old versions or iterations of the Chambersburg Trojan may not be used on official documents, apparel, or signs.
- Any printed items (apparel/signs) that include the Trojan logo may only be printed on approved colors: navy blue, white, silver, black. Exceptions may be made if the apparel is for a specific event, such as a "red-out" or "pink-out" event. Alternate colors for printing must first be approved by District administration.
- The District logos included in the brand guide must be accompanied by a "TM" (Trademarked) symbol. The District currently holds an unregistered trademark for the designs, but is in the process of obtaining federal registration.
- Drafts of designs including the logo must be submitted to District administration for approval before proceeding with printing. For general, business, or educational use, drafts may be submitted to Brian Miller, District Communications & Marketing Director at brian.miller@casdonline.org. For athletics teams/boosters, drafts may be submitted to Jeremy Flores, District Athletics Director, at jeremy.flores@casdonline.org.
To recieve the Trojan logo for District, business, or personal use, please contact Brian Miller, Communications & Marketing Director at brian.miller@casdonline.org or call 717-261-5663.