New Technology Requests

Staff Procedures For Requesting New Hardware or Software

  • Follow the process below to request new equipment:

    1. Submit a Technology service call here:  IncidentIQ
      1. Include a description of the equipment you are requesting
    2. Technology Department will contact user to provide availability and quote for use in Technology Approval Form
    3. Complete a Technology Approval Form
    4. Get required signature from supervisor
    5. Send completed form through district interoffice mail re: Technology Department

Equipment Requests for Grants

  • Give the Technology Department at least 2 weeks before any grant deadline to obtain information needed for grant completion.  

    Follow the process below to request technology information for grants:

    1. Submit a Technology service call here: IncidentIQ
      1. Please include a description of your grant and the equipment that you are requesting.
    2. Technology Department will contact the requester to get details on funding and provide a quote if needed for pre-approval.
      1. It's best if you provide us with a quote to get started.
      2. If you need assistance with the quote, you must provide detailed information.
    3. Complete a Technology Gifts, Grants and Donations Pre-Approval Form.  
      1. Do not use an old copy, note that we will provide you the correct copy to fill out through IncidentIQ.
      2. Also, we need a copy of the full grant application submitted with the approval.  
    4. Get required signatures for the Tech Pre-Approval
      1. Note that you can get your grant form (from the Chamber, Foundation, etc.) approved after the Tech pre-approval or provide them both at the same time.
    5. Upload completed form(s) to Incident IQ or send it via email.  
    6. Technology Department will return the completed form and grant to the User for submission
    7. You need to let us know in the ticket the approval or denial status of the grant.
      1. This info is needed to place orders.


    1. Get grants to us early to give us time to review, look at requirements, compatibility, and administrative tasks.
    2. Let us know the timeline for the grant so we're aware and can set priorities to get it back to you on time.
    3. After approval, you need fill out the School Board approval form for granted items before purchasing.
      1. Note that the Technology Director will need to sign this form and it should include the full grant.