Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the walking distance to school?

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    State law permits schools to have a walking distance of 2 miles for secondary school students and 1½ miles for elementary schools. Our District's School Board of Directors has reduced these distances for our students. As indicated in Board Policy #810, the walking distance for secondary students is 1½ miles and 1 mile for elementary students.

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  • Who is responsible for bus discipline?

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    PARENTS - The following policy has been adopted by the Chambersburg Area School District in dealing with cases of unsatisfactory conduct on school buses. Principals consider each occurrence of unsatisfactory conduct in reviewing all facts in the occurrence. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to discuss bus rider conduct with your driver, school principal, or school transportation office. Thank you for your support in our effort to provide a safe ride to and from school. In cases of unsatisfactory conduct on any bus operated by or for the Chambersburg Area School District, the driver shall provide the principal with the names of the students and details of the incident. A warning will be given, but repetition of incident will result in school bus suspension.

    1. The First Offense: The bus driver will call the parent.

    2. The Second Offense: The bus driver will submit report of infraction to principal. The principal will talk to student and provide disciple in the form of:

    • Time Slip
    • School Suspension
    • Withdraw of Bus Privileges (Parent/Guardian will be responsible for student transportation)

    3. The Third Offense: Major bus misconduct may result in a suspension of bus riding privileges from one day to thirty days per incident. Parents/guardians will be notified of major incidents in writing and with a phone call where possible. If behavior fails to improve or if the safety of others is jeopardized, the student's riding privileges may be suspended for the remainder of the year. The gravity of the above-mentioned may, in the judgment of the administration, justify application of a more appropriate penalty. If transportation privileges are suspended, transportation to and from school is the responsibility of the parents and/or guardians.

    4. Dangerous Offenses or Threats to Commit Dangerous Offenses: When a student commits an offense or threatens to commit an offense that could be injurious to him/herself, another student, or any other person (e.g. threats to do bodily harm to bus driver), the offense may be considered as a "second offense" or "third offense" by the principal and riding privileges accordingly withdrawn. In this case, the principal should immediately report to the Superintendent of Schools.

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  • I moved. How do I get new bussing?

    Posted by:
    Call the school your children attend and provide them with the updated address. The school will send a transportation request to the Transportation Office. It may take 48 hours to receive bussing if routes or stops have to be modified.
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