Home Education

  •  Students at desk

    Parents or guardians in Pennsylvania are able to home school their children as an option to compulsory school attendance. This law specifies the requirements and responsibilities of the parents and the school district where the family lives. Parents interested in a home education program for their children need to submit the following to Dr. Mark Long, Assistant Superintendent prior to August 1st of each school year:

    1.  A notarized affidavit of the supervisor of a home education program

    2.  Outline of proposed objectives as specified by Home Education Law

    3.  Photocopies of the student's immunization and health records

    4.  The supervisor must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.  

    Upon review and acceptance of the application, home school supervisors must maintain a portfolio of the student's work and a log of instructional hours, as specified in the Home Education Law.  Students in grades 3, 5, and 8 must be administered a national normed standardized achievement test.  Results of the test should be included in the home education portfolio.  At the end of each school year, the portfolio must be reviewed by a certified home school evaluator, as specified in the Home Education law.  The evaluation report should be submitted to the district by the end of June of each year. 

    Home education procedures, laws, and applications can be found on the PA Department of Education website at https://www.education.pa.gov/K-12/Home%20Education%20and%20Private%20Tutoring/Pages/default.aspx  and then type "home education" in the search field.  Questions regarding home education may also be directed to the Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent's Office at 717-261-3423.