IB Diploma Programme Staff
Mr. Kristofer Cole - IB Diploma Programme Coordinator
Dr. Lisa Schoenleber - Head of School
Group 1
Mrs. Stephanie Parrett - IB English Literature HL
Group 2
Mrs. Katherine Coll - IB Latin HL
Mr. Kristofer Cole - IB Spanish SL
Mr. Paul Unruh - IB German SL
Group 3
Ms. Susan Shuff - IB Psychology HL
Mrs. Rebecca Donald - IB History of the Americas HL
Group 4
Mr. Steven Onomastico - IB Biology HL
Mr. Matthew Maple - IB Chemistry HL
Mrs. Joy McFadden - IB Sports Exercise and Health Science SL
Group 5
Mrs. Marta Helfrick - IB Math Application and Interpretation SL
Group 6
Mrs. Elizabeth Stahl - IB Music SL / HL
Mr. Paul Unruh- Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
Mr. Joshua Sherman - Creativity-Action-Service (CAS)
Mrs. Melissa Engel-Unruh - Extended Essay (EE)