Helpful Handouts

Teacher Downloads
- Blank Lesson Outline
- Certificate of Completion
- Classroom Copyright Chart
- Copyright Chart for Teachers
- How to Save a File to a Flash Drive
- Importing_Class_Rosters_into_a_CPS_Database2008.doc
- KUD Chart - Know Understand Do
- Quotes_Bulletin_Board.ppt
- SAS_Standards_Directions.doc
- Spanish Characters in Windows
- Student Letter of Recommendation Form for HS Teachers
- This is a form to get students to fill out if they want you to write a letter of recommendation.
- Student_teacher_certificates.ppt
- This is an activity that can be used on Teacher Appreciation Day.
- The 21st Century Student Model
- The 21st Century Teacher Model
- Video & Clip Art Resources
Student - Change Passwords