- Chambersburg Area School District
- Pupil Services
There are many services available to meet the needs of all students. A link for each division of Student Services is below.

Health Services
Health Services: The school health program is a part of the child’s total school experience. While the primary responsibility for a child’s health rests with the parents, the school assists parents in developing and maintaining a high level of health for each student.
The responsibility of education and the goal of school health is to increase the health knowledge of the school/community population so that we may favorably influence skills, attitudes and practices relating to each child’s growth and development.The specific objectives of the school health program include:
· Continual appraisal of each student’s health status including assessment of immunizations in accordance with Pennsylvania’s Health Department requirements.
· Maintaining a screening program in the following areas: vision, hearing, scoliosis, and physical exams.
· Promoting positive health awareness and self-esteem for each child.
· Detecting health problems and assisting families in the outside referral process.
· Providing health resources to students, families and staff.
· Monitoring the incidence of communicable disease within the school environment.
· Providing emergency care during the school day.
· Maintaining health records.

Counseling: School counselors provide students with services through individual, group and school-wide activities. They work with families, staff and the community, so students reach their full potential. They focus on academics, behaviors, career choices and social development.
Special Education
Special Education: The function of special education is to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities. There is a range of programs and services designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities while keeping them in settings as close to home and with their peers who are non-disabled. However, special education teachers are the heart of the department.
Special education staff members are committed to helping students with disabilities reach higher levels of achievement. The world is becoming more complex and demands that people gain greater knowledge and higher-level skills are greater than ever before. Students need to gain knowledge in school and be prepared to keep learning for the rest of their lives. We have learned that providing all students with a challenging education will prepare them for meaningful jobs. We are here to assist our students when they meet eligibility through the evaluation process to provide needed supports so they are able to meet the standards in all areas of the curriculum for their future success. This can be achieved in a variety of ways and is determined on an “individualized basis” and with a team of individuals.

School Psychology
Psychologists: School psychologists have specialized training in both psychology and education. They use their understanding of school systems, effective teaching, and successful learning. Along with educators, parents, and other mental health professionals, they make the learning environment safe, healthy, and supportive.
Title I
Title I is a Federal Grant that is distributed through the states to school districts for supplemental instructional services and materials for students. The amount that each district receives is based on the poverty rate of the district and is distributed to individual buildings based on the percentage of "Free and Reduced" lunches served in each building. Buildings with higher poverty rates receive more monies in a per pupil allocation. The basis of the grant is that it is used to supplement district monies to help students. These monies are used to provide reading and math services through instruction by reading specialists and math coaches, as well as resource materials that the district does not provide. Portions of the Title I grant help provide services to summer school, tutoring, services for homeless students, professional development, and preschool support in the area.

English as a Second Language: The Chambersburg Area School District provides special services to identify non-English dominant pupils. Supplementary English instruction is provided for the students in need of assistance.